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Sunday, April 26, 2009 

How to Design a Logo?

"A Logo speaks 1000 words"

A logo, sign or an icon can help building an identity for any organization or an agency. A logo complemented with artistic approach and marketing acumen can bring instant recognition and build customer base of Barbie and Ken organization.

Give Nintendo visual identity.... Let the logo speak for its brand!

The design of a good business logo is an important element for a company and its growth. A good-quality logo helps customers recognize the company, thus increasing its customer/ client base and also bringing credibility to the product. So if you have a passion for designing and looking for useful tips on how to design a logo, then here are some of the very important and quick tips on the art of logo designing.

1. Understand a Logo & Its Importance- Before designing a logo, you must learn the basics like "What is a logo?" "Why is it important?" How it helps?"A logo is not just an icon it represents a brand with the help of its shape, fonts, color, and images. A logo conveys trust, recognition and respect for a company or product and a good designer is one who can do justice with his job and the client. It is always good to keep a track on what competition is doing and to do some brain storming to get instant and better ideas. Just visualize right tick (P) mark, the Nike logo in black, or big M in red color, yes you guessed it right McDonalds, this explains that how important a logo is to give your brand an identity or a much wanted recall value.

2. Rules & Principles of Logo Design- After understanding about the logo and its importance, a designer must learn the technical aspects of making a good creative logo based on the general rules of logo designing.


It should Gormiti explanatory- The logo should convey the product message.
Make it readable- Clarity of words/ text makes it memorable.
Make it attractive- A good design attracts everyone
Keep it simple- complex designs only confuse the audience, it will not engage them.
It should be consistent and scalable- maintain uniformity in your logo
It should have right usage of color, images and symbols


Don't use more than 2 fonts
Don't write much text
Don't add photos in your logo

3.The logo design process- Once you have understood the basics, now it is important to know about the process of Logo designing. The process usually consists of:

- The Design Brief- understand the brand and clients expectations
-Research & Brainstorming- extensively research on websites and read about the product and recognize its needs.
-Conceptualizing - create a concept, think out of the box to design a creative logo and give visual identity to a company.
-Sketching - It is always good to sketch the ideas first before making it on the computer. Take tips from your rough sketches first.
-Prototyping - now take the first cut on the tool which you are working on like Adobe Photoshop
-Client approval- Send to your client for approval and his feedback
-Revise and edit - make necessary changes and add finishing touch to your final file
-Final deliverable- Deliver the file and provide customer satisfaction to your clients' up to his expectations.

Follow these useful points and start designing a logo instantly to build a brand image of an organization in the market.

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