How to Train Your Doggy to Play Fetch
There are many ways of showing 1887 Old Judge N172 pet how to play fetch. Below, I will discuss the two most common and effective ways.
1. The Identical Toy Trick
Perhaps the simplest way of teaching your pet fetch. You simply buy two identical toys. It's best if they are your dog's personal choice. You use one of these toys to tease your pet a little, while hiding the other toy behind your back.
You're trying to get your dog to get all excited about the toy. Once he's excited, you need to throw the toy away. Make sure to not throw it away too far the donate my car few pullip You don't want your dog to lose sight of the toy!
If you're doing it right, your pet will try and get the toy as fast as possible. Now you want to call back your doggy, but he won't understand your command right away. So now is the time to take out the second toy, and lure him back with it while calling to him at the same time.
This will teach him to obey your command. Make sure to reward him with a treat when he does so.
If this approach isn't working for you, you might try another one.
2. The Step By Step Approach
In the step by step approach, you simply lead your doggy to the toy and you encourage him to lift it up from the ground. When he does so, you take the toy from his mouth and you give him a treat for this.
What this will accomplish, is that your dog starts to associate the toy with the treat. It learns that this type of behavior leads to a reward.
When these methods are applied on a regular basis, your doggy will surely learn to play fetch in a matter of only a few weeks. Just hang in there, and before you know it your dog and you will be having fun playtimes!
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