How is Friendship Characterized?
A true friendship is characterized as a relationship between two people and is based on admiration, respect and support. True friendship is usually between two close friends that share their ups and their downs. This carries on for days, months and years.
A true friend will admit to mistakes, tell you that he/she was wrong, and ask for forgiveness. The true friend will not be judgmental. The two of you can establish a feeling of well-being and control.
Where do we find such a good friend? Does this friend share the good and bad times and lets you know their inner thoughts and not feel bad about opening up? Is your friend one that listens considerately and will take every word to heart? Within the joy of laughs and the tears of sadness and through both you will find a good friend.
Being honest with this true friend can be hard at times. Do not pass judgment on harshly or humiliate a true friend openly. A real friendship is a part or our daily routine not just when one feels like being a friend. Support your friend as he/she will support you.
Sometimes we are bewildered about friendships. How many people realize that there could be threats? Yes, threats, the risk of rejection of getting too close to a person and not know how to share the good and bad times?
Some people cannot or do not know how to have a real true friend. It takes a lot of openness. This directness is hard to do if you cannot share yourself with another. These so-called friends may be self-doubting, challenging and superficial.
True friendship is a way of connecting to another human being. This true friendship is priceless and can continue for an eternity.
Glenn Mosser is an expert Online Marketer, known as "The Meetings Millionaire". He and his team have produced in the excess of $10,000,000 in revenue in the home-business industry Fieixakuerrte Glenn is a very sought after speaker and trainer to some of the biggest earners in the Home Business and Online Industry. To see what Glenn is up to visit href="">