Monday, March 9, 2009 

Credit Repair Made Easy

The Benefits are Amazing

The content of your credit report can have an enormous impact on the quality of your life. Your credit score will determine the cost of your mortgage, your automobile payments, and your credit cards. An improvement in your credit score could potentially save you thousands of dollars per year.

Overcoming Your Fear

It is normal to experience a degree of fear when the time comes to look at your credit report. Perhaps you have had some credit issues in the past. No one likes to be reminded of those times. I have spoken to thousands of people about their credit over the years. The majority of those people have felt some resistance to looking at their own reports. I understand! The credit bureaus can be intimidating. But like so many other things in life, once you get started its not so bad.

Getting Started

Reviewing, repairing, and maintaining your credit is not complicated. The key is to approach the project in an organized manner. You have three credit reports. They must each be examined in detail. Many people make the mistake of looking football cards for obvious derogatory information like late payments or collections. Every item on your credit report can have an impact on your credit score. You will be looking at everything. I suggest that you have a pen and paper nearby. You will also need to have your credit cards handy.

Step by Step

Everyone has his or her own way of organizing a task. You will develop a system of your own over time. Whatever works for you is fine as long as you cover all of the essential categories of information that can impact your credit scores. These essential categories are the account opening dates, current balances, high credit limits, and pay history. As you review these items keep any eye out for errors such as accounts that dont belong to you, accounts referencing an incorrect Social Security number or address, and duplicate accounts.

The Essential Details

Account opening dates, current balance, and high credit limit need to be examined carefully. The FICO scoring formula places great importance on these items. Your account opening dates are used in the FICO formula to determine the age of your credit. The older the better. Simply look at your credit card. Most credit cards indicate the original opening date somewhere on the face of the card. The relationship between your current balance and your high credit limit has a major impact on your score. If you dont know these numbers just call the toll free number on the back of your card. Please dont ignore this step.

Write Down Every Single Error

Make notes. Credit repair is all about the details. Dont let a thing slip by. And please dont ever assume that the credit report is correct. If you find a discrepancy chances are that you are correct. Every one of the categories listed above can have an impact on your credit scores. No error should be ignored. You might think a small innocent looking error like a duplicate account will not have a negative impact as long as there are no late payments showing. You would be wrong. The extra account will overstate your debt and may very well factor into the FICO scoring method to your detriment.

Organizing Your Disputes

Each error that you find on your credit report will need to be disputed with the individual bureau that is reporting the item in question. Your credit report will come with instructions for submitting your dispute. You should follow those instructions carefully. And, whatever you do, keep it simple. It is important to limit your verbiage to the bare minimum. If you make the mistake of writing a nice letter to the credit bureau, as well meaning as you might be, your dispute is likely to be ignored. It does not sound friendly, but please try to understand that the credit bureaus have to process an amazing amount of mail.

Stay the Course

About thirty days after your initial disputes you will receive replies from the individual credit bureaus. It is not uncommon to get an unsatisfactory answer. They might respond by indicating that they contacted the creditor who verified the information to be correct. Dont be discouraged. This initial response is built into the system. Simply send a second dispute telling the bureau that you are not satisfied with their response and that you would like them to provide documentation. It is very likely that you will get satisfaction on this second dispute. The credit repair process can take time, but with patience your efforts will produce real financial results as well as the satisfaction of knowing that you have done the right thing for yourself.

Copyright Dusty 2007 James W. Kemish. All Content. All Rights Reserved.

Jim Kemish is the president and founder of Power Mortgage, a Florida mortgage broker based in Delray Beach, Florida. Power Mortgage Corp was established in 1989 and serves the states of Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, and Virginia. Jim is also the President of Sky Blue Credit, a national credit repair business. For great mortgage and credit tips visit the Florida Mortgage Blog.


Robosapien Tribot - A Gift Idea

Ever since the Robosapiens came out on the market my daughter Addie has wanted one. She was constatnly begging me to get her a Robosapien Tribot. After listening to all of her pleas Webkinz month's on end finally we gave in to the begging We bought her a Robosapien Tribot for our 4 year old princess on her birthday two months ago, she's had such a blast playing with the Tribot I wanted to share with everyone just how cool the Tribot actually is.

This toy is wonderful, my daughter had been asking for it since the day they hit the shelves Finally we gave in and got her the tribot for her birthday. It's huge its fun. She ABSOLUTELY loves it. Just make sure you get extra batteries because you will be putting them in. We wound up putting 8 batteries in him the first day. I highly recommend anyone buying this toy buy rechargeable and take the time to recharge him at night.

The Robosapien Tribot doesn't look as human as other Robosapiens , but it moves better, quicker, and more efficiently. Manglors three-wheel configuration allows for greater mobility. The most recent innovation is the tilt-sensitive remote control combined with a very intuitive remote which makes it so much easier to operate than the original Robosapien.

We decided to order the tribot online and the only real disappointment that I can think of is that when we received the tribot the word TRIBOT was printed on the side of the box, so if you were wanting an element of surprise or trying to keep it a secret from a young one, if they can read you'll have to hope your child is not home when it's delivered.

Another great feature of the tribot is if your tribot should get lost, there's a locator on the remote. That's a great idea especially for those children who leave the house with their favorite toy. And they will be leaving the house with the tribot because the tribot is definitely going to be one of the favorites this holiday season.

We like sharing our experiences with our daughter with the world. The toys we see or use in our home with our daughter we recommend our opinions on the products we really like and have shared with our daughter.

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