Tuesday, April 28, 2009 

Browser Wars & Windows 7

The past few months have seen some interesting developments regarding Batman model kit usage and competition between Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. To give a bit of information into the background of this, Internet explorer has been the most popular browser for around a decade, and its largest rival has been Firefox, which has steadily increased its market share to around 20% over the past few years. The success of Firefox has been helped by the support of Google, but this has ceased since the release of Google's own 1961 Fleer baseball cards Chrome. Google has high hopes for chrome and competition between the three browsers is now very fierce.

It is generally acknowledged that the success of Internet Explorer, is not a result of the browser's performance but is largely due to the fact that it is the default browser supplied with Windows, which is by far the most common operating system in use today. The majority of people do not feel the need to change from one browser to another and brand awareness for Firefox and especially Chrome, is relatively low when compared to Internet Explorer.

Recently, however, the European Commission has brought an anti-trust law suit to Microsoft, claiming that the sole inclusion of Internet Explorer with Windows is unfairly creating a monopoly and damaging competition and consumer choice. The outcome of this lawsuit could see Windows 7 being shipped with multiple browsers, including Firefox, Chrome and even Safari.

If Windows 7 is shipped with multiple browsers, it will create a level playing field and will have a huge effect on the market share of each browser. It is difficult to predict which browser will be the most Star Trek movie as each have different strengths. Market share for Internet explorer will definitely decrease but it may remain the most popular browser on the strength of its familiarity. Chrome is a new browser and most people are still unaware of its existence. However, it is a Google product and is likely to be well trusted as a result. Firefox is popular among more Internet savvy people, is highly customisable and has stood the test of time.

Windows 7 is due for release within the next three months and, depending on the outcome of the law astronauts may have the biggest single influence on the browser wars to date.

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Tips for Reducing Homeowners Insurance Premiums During The Florida Homeowner's Insurance Crisis

Increase your deductible!

Increasing your deductible can make a huge difference to your homeowner's insurance premium. We have seen premiums halved by taking the maximum deductibles for both wind and other events.

It means donate a car to charity the policy is only good in catastrophic circumstances, but people are Big Jim the following reasoning: if a hurricane hits, the damage will be catastrophic anyway.

Some are confiding that in the event of evacuating for a storm, that they will leave all their windows and doors open, so that they can actually cash in on the homeowner's insurance policy!

Change the policy on your goods from Replacement value to Actual Cash Value (ACV)

Citizens calculates the replacement value of your goods by halving the value of your home. So if you have a $600,000 home, they assume you have $300,000 worth of goods inside it. What I did to reduce my premium was to specify I wanted actual cash value rather than replacement value in the event of a loss and subsequent claim. A gamble, but in this Florida insurance monopoly it was one of the ways to the premium down, in addition to specifying an outrageous deductible on your homeowner's (HO) policy.

Shop around for insurance brokers

You will want to shop around agents. Sometimes the quote that one Citizens agent provides will be different to the quote from another. Some insureds have saved hundreds of dollars by doing this.

For example:

I don't know which (if any) carriers are writing non-owner 1971 Topps baseball cards insurance Major Matt Mason in that area, but I did find that shopping Citizens rates can make a big difference. The best Citizens quote I got for my son's Pasco home was $3,900 here in town, but an insurance broker in Orlando got me the same policy for $2,900 by using the $134,000 purchase price versus the $179,000 value local brokers were using, and charging lower fees.

The broker's name is Colleen Pacheco with Florida Insurance Planners at (407) 767-1634. She may even be able to insure homes with knob and tube wiring! She uses Lloyds of London in the quotes I have gotten.

Lloyds is a surplus lines carrier not regulated by the state of Florida. The rates they are charging are not regulated. If a surplus lines carrier were to go insolvent then the state would not take over paying any claims. That protection for consumers under the Florida Insurance Guaranty Act does not apply to surplus lines carriers.

Get separate Liability Insurance

I have heard anecdotally that State Farm Insurance will do liability cheaper than Citizens, so you should waive it with CPIC and then go to State Farm.

If liability is a concern for you, for example if you have a lot of assets, then you need an Umbrella policy. It will only cost a minimal amount but will only cover you if other liability policies are in effect.

Driving a car is your biggest vulnerability in your asset protection strategy. Due to a split second of inattention on the road, you can lose everything you own in the consequent law suit.

Are you over insured?

The insurance company may sometimes overvalue a home which forces up your premium. You may be able to use an appraisal to demonstrate to them the appropriate value and thus reduce your homeowner's quote and thus your insurance premium. Remember that an appraisal will include land value so subtract that out in order to come up with the figure that you are going to use to persuade the insurance company how much your building is worth.

Insurance companies are usually happy to accept inflated premiums on your coverage, but are then reluctant to pay out the amount insured in the event of a claim. Why pay high premiums for no gain?

Have An Insurance Inspection Of Your Home

An inspector can certify that your roof is up to code, and can give you a discount for having plywood shutters. Apparently there was very little difference in the the discount you receive for having hurricane shutters versus plywood.

Paul Gilchrist is a disgruntled Florida citizen, who was inspired by the bungling of his insurance agent to start this site and create a repository of information about the Florida insurance crisis

href="FloridaHomeownerInsurances.com">Florida Homeowner's Insurance Crisis

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