Dog Motion Detector - My Bark is Much Worse Than My Bite
Lately Mywifesmoney may be concerned with the increase in crime rate and the number of burglaries in your neighborhood. You've already given your entire family Personal Alarms as well as Pepper Spray for the older kids and spouse to keep the bad guys away.
But what about your house?
How about getting a large dog, maybe the size of a German Shepherd. No one wants to be attacked and bitten by a dog of any size, let alone one who can tear your arm off.
"But I don't have a dog and I don't want one" you say. "Besides, it's too much trouble keeping one, especially since I frequently travel and am not at home. And, even more important, I have a family and don't want them Aniffbxnpgs to a vicious dog that could bite any one of my kids."
Well then, how about a dog that doesn't shed, doesn't Gourmet Food Gift Basket feeding, doesn't need to be taken for a walk and can't bite anyone in your family but still barks loudly enough to keep most burglars away. And you can't be sued about anyone being bitten.
Who in his right mind would approach a house with a large, barking dog just waiting for them to break in?
Most burglars will avoid any house with a barking dog because the last thing they want is any attention while they're doing their dirty deeds.
So, if you have a dog that barks at noises or strangers in your home you have a good chance that the burglar will go somewhere else and leave you alone.
Guess what -- this 'dog' is actually an electronic (battery driven) motion detector!
This amazing Dog Motion Detector will be on guard 24/7, will detect motion over 20 feet and has a volume control which makes it easier if you are at home. The Dog Motion Detector comes already assembled, needs no installation and is easy to use -- no learning curve is necessary.
The 'dog' sounds just like the German Shepherd that you were afraid to have in your house. And, the barking sound from your Dog Motion Detector increases as the prowler gets nearer to the door.
Also, while you're at home the Dog Motion Detector gives you a choice of sounds when any visitors are coming. You can set it on the bark mode or a relaxing melody of tranquil sounds of nature (waterfall sounds as well as frogs and bird sounds).
Since your Dog Motion Detector is portable, you can use it in motel roooms, vacation homes, even garages or sheds where you keep any valuable tools or cars. Just think outside the box and you will find many other uses for this amazing Dog Motion Detector so you won't become a crime statistic.
Don't Ccj remortgage the Next Victim!
For more information on the Dog Bark Motion Detector, please visit our website:">
Larry Zolna is an author for Feel Safe and Secure, a website offering Home Security and Self Defense Products as well as Wireless Hidden Cameras. Please visit"> for more information on these products and Don't Be the Next Victim!