Thursday, April 16, 2009 

Elite Fitness System's Sales Basics - Their Thirteen Commandments

Elite Fitness Systems (EFS) are known for giving their training services, customer's strength and best quality products.

Dave Tate found EFS after he analysed about some sources of internet about training of sports. Many coaches and also athletes are found searching for advices on training but don't receive the comprehensive and best information. Also, EFS was produced to answer this type of demand.

Dave was a strong athlete once. For twenty years of his fitness, he tackled all training program and the industry's equipment. The driving force of EMS is to succeed in all training programs above all others. This makes it the leader of the world in the strength training and conditioning field.

The secret of success of EVS lies in the thirteen sales basics to increase the capability for selling the products and also services.

1. Believe in one's self ability and also on the provided services. Your clients Lost In Space lunchbox appreciate your energy. They may hire you because of your confidence.

2. Understand that the prime objective is not money. When people offer importance to fitness, they may pay for your services very happily. Likewise, you should help them reach their wanted results.

3. Sell the services to people who require help.

4. Recognize that , in exchange for given efforts and allotted time, money is traded.

5. Accept that, leaving out the amount charged, the client might always come back , if our services are good.

6. Know the distinction between a prospect and a client. Someone who pays the services done is a client, but someone who might hire not you or may is known as a prospect.

7. Accept that selling the products and services is a very important skill that should be taught by personal trainers only. Helping more, means becoming more professional while closing the sales.

8. We should know that people hire personal trainers if the Dark Shadows books are less expensive according to them. These type of people will be the very best prospects ever got.

9. Understand, that you have your own freedom to set your sales appointments. The most important asset you will have is time. Prospects should meet you with a greater chance of hiring yourself.

10. Know that people often make their decisions on purchasing emotionally. Make use of the prospect emotional ,to easily sell the services.

11. Realize that, if money is paid already, it is 1974 Topps baseball cards Be sure that your plan should be highly effective, so make the prospect pay before, the sales appointment ends.

12. Setting an appointment instantly after speaking to the prospects. People can easily be distracted. At most of the times, Meet prospects who have fitness as their prime priority.

13. Understand people love of buying things. But hate, if its just like selling things. Also guide all your prospects and ask them the right questions to encourage their purchase of your services.

Their biggest source of advertising are the EFS customers. They place customer's success first during their vigorous training programs. They, in return, develop their passion towards EFS by doing business again and again and by visiting their websites regularly.

Abhishek is a Health And Fitness expert and he has got some great href="">Fitness Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 111 Pages Ebook, "Complete Body Fitness" from his website href=""> Only limited Free Copies available.


Loan Modification Hardship Letter Template

In order Odd Rods successfully modify a loan for your client (or for yourself), you will need to write a good hardship letter to send to the lender along Space Invaders the rest of the modification package documentation. Make sure to include the borrower's name(s), the property address, the lender name, and the loan number at the top. In the body, state what kind of modification the borrower would like, the reason they fell behind, and why their situation is stabilized or better now.

Make the letter short and sweet. If the letter is too long, it will begin to sound like a sob story and could get skimmed or even ignored by the overworked people in the lender's loss mitigation department. Also, for an extra personal touch, keep the voice in first person for the borrower (i.e. I, me, and we), and always have them sign it personally. Have them write it by hand on a blank sheet of paper even, as it will seem less likely to have come 1954 Bowman baseball cards you or a template (which it did), and more like it came from the heart.

Below is a sample template you can use with my permission. Just cut and paste the text into a Word document, fill in the blanks, and tailor it to your own borrower's specific situation. You may even want to tweak the verbiage a bit, as the lenders will likely have seen many identical copies of just about every hardship letter you can find online.

Client's name
Property address:
Lender Name
Loan number: 99999999999

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter explains the unfortunate circumstances under which I fell behind on my mortgage. I've done everything I can to stay ahead, but I still fell behind. I would like to be considered for a loan modification to decrease my payments and interest rate to keep this from happening again, give me a fixed rate to prevent the payments from increasing down the road, and to recapitalize the delinquent payments. My number one goal is to keep this property for the long term.

I work as a (job) for (employer). In (month and year), I hit hard times financially because (hardship reason). Since that time, (reason hardship is over or at least stabilized). My income is now (back to normal, lower than before, whatever).

Despite my recent hardship and reduction in income, it is my full intention to pay what I owe. Now that (reason hardship is over), I would appreciate if you can work with me to lower or recapitalize the delinquent amount owed, lower my payments, and fix the rate for 30 years so that I can afford to keep this home for the long term and make amends with (lender name).

I pray you will work with me on this. I'd like to get it settled so we can both move forward without problems ever again.


(Client signature)

(Client Name, typed)

To learn more about how to build a successful loan modification business and to access all the tools and forms you need to get started, please click here:

About the Author
Matt Sparks is a successful entrepreneur, both offline and on. He is also a licensed mortgage broker, employing real estate broker, and Realtor. He has written books, articles, and blogs about small business, real estate, finance, New Urbanism, and sustainable cities.

(c) Copyright - Matthew R. Sparks. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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