Tuesday, February 24, 2009 

Laptops Vs PDAs - The Pros and Cons

Do you know the Major Differences between Laptops Josie and the Pussycats PDA's?

When most people hear the term 'laptop' they immediately think 'mini computer', the same can be said about the term 'PDA' being a 'glorified address book'. In reality these items have become essential for students, businesspeople, and the average housewife for keeping track of everything from appointments to phone numbers and addresses. While laptops and Personal Digital Assistants (PDA's) share many of the same features, it is important to Transformers toys the two and determine exactly what you will be using it for and the device that will fill that need.



Downloadable to PC
Fewer Programs to sort through


Less Memory
Smaller Screen



More Memory
Larger Screen


Many files to sort through

As you can see, it would be much easier to walk into class or a astronauts meeting with a PDA in your pocket than a laptop in your carrying case. While having less memory may seem to be a major disadvantage at first, in reality you will be better able to find the program you need much faster than if you had to search and wonder where you saved it on the laptop.

In addition to the normal features of note-taking, to-do lists, names and addresses, and calendars, most PDA's also offer email, web, and cell phone services. This allows the PDA user to download the notes from the PDA quickly to a laptop or personal computer (PC), research the internet, and talk on the phone. You can do the same things from your laptop by using instant messaging with audio but unless you use headphones (another bulky item to haul around) the entire room will hear your conversations.

Music versus Images. Both features are available on PDA's and Laptops with pro's and con's for each. If you are at home it is much easier to use your laptop to play your favorite songs and continue with what you were doing; but if you are anywhere else, a bus for instance, it would be kind of silly to haul out your laptop, set it up, search for the song you want, and play it. The PDA, being easier to transport, makes listening to music much easier, however, the small screen on the PDA will not allow you to fully enjoy the images and pictures sent to you. Memory is also a problem for the PDA when it comes to storing your images; a laptop offers more memory, a bigger screen, and more detail.

The differences between PDA's and Laptops become smaller every day with laptops becoming more compact and lightweight and PDA's becoming more powerful and having more features. It is important to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages, pro's and con's, and types of uses for each device before making a decision on which one to use. Making a list of how you will be using the device is a great place to start, and then choose the one that best suits your needs.

Gregg Hall is an author living on the Emerald Coast of Florida. Now that you know a little more about computers and X-Men movie be sure that you get quality nsearchcomputer accessories by going to nsearchnsearch


A Basic Outline on Creating Your Artist Website

One of the most common necessities many artists should have for both beginners All-Star Comics professionals is an artist website. An artist Hot Wheels Sizzlers is a way of exhibiting your work to everyone and anyone. It's also a way to talk about your philosophies about art, your work process and also a way of displaying your resume. But where do you begin? Here is a Superman basic set up of what you should have on your website.


Your Homepage is your front door to your website. Make it simple and stick to a theme. Try not to make your page is not confusing and try not to over whelm it. You want them to see the links and click on them. Your homepage is like an introduction. You can start by maybe greeting the visitor or providing an introduction about the site.


Here you can provide the viewer with your Star Wars cards experience. List your resume as you would when you submit to a gallery.


Like your resume you want place it on your website just as you do when you submit to a gallery.

Your Gallery

This is what visitors are here to see! Make sure that you take good photos of your artwork. Use Photoshop to crop the images and adjusting the size. Keep your pictures at a resolution of 100. And make sure they a visible and simple to view. Make sure you provide information on the title, dimensions, medium, and year. You can even provide a brief description about the work. Some sites have a slide show of their work. But that can be done when you become familiar with other web programs. Just remember, keep it simple and build it slowly.


Here you can provide links to other artist websites, blogs, forums, galleries, networking sites and more. Linking with other sites helps build traffic!


You would want people to contact you if they are interested in your art or if they would like to buy your work. This page should provide information on how to reach you. A simple email address is best but if you would like galleries or interested people to send you letters or brochures do not provide your actual address! You can provide your studio address where you work or you can get a PO Box that you can get at your local post office.

Make sure you keep your site simple and professional. If you are looking to start your website check out artistneedartistneed for art information, articles, books, and much more.

Reinaldo Arvelo
You can also visit Arvelo's website at reinaldoarveloreinaldoarvelo

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