Friday, January 16, 2009 

Mindset Management - Attaining Anything You Want in Life by Using Your Six Intellectual Factors

Did on line car insurance know that all of mankind's greatest achievements can be summarized by six intellectual factors. If used correctly can make the difference between living a life full of abundance or misery?

Did you know that at the age of retirement, according to the Social Security Administration, 96% of people are dead, broke, or still working? Did you know that only 3% are well-to-do and 1% are truly rich in a financial sense? I believe that this is 100% related to mindset. The top 4% who hold and control over 96% of the wealth must think differently. In short they use their mind differently than the 96% of the population who get very different results. This article is going to reveal to you how very successful people make consistent quantum leaps in their life by using their intellectual factors. Here are the six intellectual factors that asp sql server hosting to the right mindset for success:

Reason: Within the conscious part of our mind we have the ability to reason and logically process information based on the "data" we perceive around us through our five senses. Our five senses include: sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch. The vast majority of people do not effectively use the intellectual factor of reason. They follow some programming or habitual ways of being where every day is a repeat experience of the day that has passed. To complicate matters, the average person watches many hours of television each day. Watching television causes the viewer to move into a trance like state where thinking and reason is suspended. This even applies to watching educational programs. Thinking is a volitional process, meaning that the individual must choose to think and set time aside to see how they can better their life and form a definite plan to move in a positive direction. If no time is spent truly thinking, is it a surprise that the future is a repeat experience of the past? How much time do you spend truly thinking about what you want and how you can get it?

Imagination: We can create pictures on the screen of our mind of anything we want to have, to do or to become. Do you remember when you were a child how rich and vivid your imagination was? Do you remember the level of enjoyment you had imagining the places you would go, the things you would have, and who you would become? Why is it that as we age our ability to use our imagination to continue to get what we want diminishes? Do you realize that through the traditional educational system our imagination and creativity is suppressed? One of the keys to moving forward is to know exactly what we want in all aspects of our life. When we know what we want we can see a picture of it in our mind. Do you know what you want? Many people I ask this question to have no idea what they really want and correspondingly are not on the road to get it.

Intuition: This intellectual factor requires you to use your instincts to take action that leads to a positive result. Our intuition is directly related to how aware are we are about who we are and our surroundings. The very aware individual is able to pick up slight nuances in behavior exhibited by the people around them. From this heightened sense of awareness, they are able to respond in a way that leads to optimum results. In various self-development programs, intuition is likened to be our connection to infinite intelligence, God or of the many thousands of names used throughout the world. Whether you believe in an intelligent source of knowledge or not is not relevant to your ability to use your intuition. If you want to become more intuitive, you have to learn how to calm your mind and to become an incredible listener. Only through calming your mind and really listening, can you build awareness of what it is you need to do to move forward in life. When you experience a hunch or a flash of inspiration, this is your intuition talking to you. These flashes of inspiration may come often or very seldom. In the beginning as you involve your intuition these flashes of inspiration will be far apart. As you get used to using your intuition and taking action on the inspiration that comes to you, you will benefit from this intellectual factor more often.

Perception: The way you view the world has to do with your perception. You are free to perceive the world in any way you want but you are not free from the benefits or the consequences of your perception. For example, if you believe that you can fly unaided by any mechanical devices and you jump off a tall building you will soon learn that you perceived the world incorrectly. This may seem like an obvious example but ask yourself why do many people perceive the world as an evil place in which prospering in life is impossible? Is it any surprise that the people who are succeeding in life have a perception that life is full of abundance and opportunity for the able and capable individual? Do you perceive the world half-full or half-empty? Are you generally a very happy individual who is optimistic for what today will bring or are you pessimistic as you drag yourself out of bed throughout the day, as if living represents a terrible chore? Your perception of the world and your life is completely in your control. The most successful people on the planet understand this intellectual factor and irrespective of the challenges they face, always seem to look for the silver lining. Are you this person? Do you want to be this person? If so what are you prepared to do to evolve this intellectual factor?

Memory: How many times have you admitted that you do not have a good memory? Have you ever told somebody that you're good at remembering faces but cannot seem to remember names? Do you realize that you have a perfect memory? Perhaps all that is necessary is for you to train your memory to allow you to recall information more efficiently? In today's world, there are individuals with so called "incredible memory." They are able to remember all of the details contained within a large book, they can remember the many places and people may have met throughout their whole life. Are these individuals better then others? The answer is no - they have only trained themselves to use their memory and based on training this intellectual factor (very much like training a muscle in the body) it has grown strong and serves them greatly. In future articles will discuss how you can improve your memory

The Will: When you start a project how likely are you to finish the project? When you form your New Year's resolutions do you stick to them? Do you allow the opinion of others and life's circumstances to derail you from what it is that you want? When you sit down to work on your project does your mind wander and think about other things? Your will is one of the most important factors that will decide everything about who you become and what you have in life. Individuals who have a highly evolved will have capacity to focus on a single topic long enough to ensure its completion. Once a project is complete they are able to focus on the next project or task at hand and complete it. This is how they move very rapidly through life.

In future articles, we will discuss how to evolve each of these intellectual factors. If you don't believe that these factors are responsible for all the major discoveries and innovations that mankind benefits from today ask yourself could we have landed on the moon without these intellectual factors? Could we travel around the world with first-class accommodations while we cruise on the Internet and drink a cold beverage without these intellectual factors? You'll soon realize that every major innovation is as a result of someone's ability to not only understand these intellectual factors but put them into action to achieve outstanding results.

When you change your habits, actions and thoughts, your whole life will change. Set aside a few minutes each day to work on your goals. Click on GlobalSuccessILGGlobalSuccessILG to learn about how to increase your income and create wealth in your life. This site covers topics from leadership, to tax strategies, to growing your business and many more. Ray Stendall is President of Wealth Expressions, Inc. and regularly coaches individuals and businesses on how to achieve their goals and objectives


How to Find Antique Silver Coins

Coin collection is a very common hobby. This hobby can be formed in any person of any age. He can be a kid who likes collecting old coins and there are even professional coin collectors who collect coins to get financial returns. Apart from this, collecting equity line of credit rates coins can also be a very good form of investment. online van insurance you have heard about antique coins then it would be impossible that you have not heard about antique silver coins. Silver antique coins are popular. Let's study these coins of prime importance.

Antique coins are of several types that the collectors of coins desire to collect. There are American antique coins, Roman coins and also antique silver coins. There are not a huge number of silver antique coins that you get to collect. You should know properly where to find them exactly and also know the actual type of coins that produce a good investment.

If you are thinking how to find them, then believe me it is not a very difficult task provided you know where to look. Coins like US Morgan silver dollar are available with dealers and at auctions at prices that are reasonable. It is a good idea to buy at an auction. Here the seller is genuine. If you check e-bay then you can also get feedback as to whether the seller is good to deal with, a power seller, etc. If the seller scores 99% or more he may be considered reliable and trustworthy. You should be experienced enough in bidding to know the tricks of an auction. Buying from sellers at an auction also requires conscientiousness and common sense. First you need to be sure that the seller is reputable. You should see whether he is ready to provide you his contact details in case of any discrepancy in the item. Check the reliability of the details. See whether there is any return policy and also check out the terms and conditions of sales. You should not avoid reading the clauses in the terms and conditions. It would cost you later if you fall a prey to fraud. You should notice all the important points and must check for their trustworthiness when you are making investments in buying antique coins.

If you browse over the net then you can easily locate places where you can get antique silver coins. It may also be good to research before you buy. You should inspect a number of coins and find the ones that would enhance the beauty of your collection. Look for coins that will increase the value of your investment.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for pottery, antiques, and figurines. When shopping for pottery, antiques and figurines, we recommend only the best online stores for potterysellpottery, selltheantiquesantique coin dealer, and sellfigurinesfigurines.

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