Friday, January 30, 2009 

A New Definition of Enlightenment For the Not So Spiritually Inclined

In many spiritual traditions private student loan consolidation idea that what is called Enlightenment occurs after the death of the physical body is prevalent. In this article I wish to shed light on this matter and propose that perhaps there is another way to achieve this exalted state. I will attempt to approach this exclusively from an experiential standpoint rather than make solely and intellectual argument. This is so that you can decide for yourself whether what is said resonates with you at the level of your own inner truth where ever you feel that to be.

Let me start by describing in a rather unusual way the nature of death and dying. When a person's Life Energy is completely separated from their physical body that body/person is technically dead. In the same way, as a person's Life Energy is being depleted/drained from their body that person is said to be dying. This latter experience is had by many every day and is felt as tiredness, feeling drained or depleted of what is commonly called their "energy" (which is in fact their Life Energy).

Now if you'll reflect on some negative memory you may have stored inside of you right now and notice what it is doing to your "energy" (i.e. your Life Energy) you'll readily see that it is draining it. The fact of the matter is that your energy is being drained by that memory whether you are consciously thinking about it or not. In other words the very fact that it is inside you means that you are dying, or antidepressants aptly said you are being "murdered" by it!

Now imagine that you could permanently release that negative memory to the extent that it felt like it never happened to you. Notice what happens to your energy. You will like feel it rise within your heart, house insurance and body. This is a sign that the idea of clearing the memory is good for you as it helped you to reclaim some of your lost Life Energy. It was reclaimed "back into" your physical body.

This is called and is felt as being "alive"!

Now it is absolutely possible to release such negativity at all levels in the manner described above with a new process called the Mind Resonance Process (MRP). In so doing one's Life Energy returns to the body making it feel alive and vibrant.

Now we come to the issue of Enlightenment.

As one's Life Energy returns to the body they start to feel clear, confident, resilient, radiant, uplifted, lighter, brighter, wiser, stronger, empowered, more peaceful, joyful, content, authentically present, and yes Enlightened!

How do you feel inside right now?

Perhaps some of the above?

So you see Enlightenment is to be had while you are fully alive and not while you are dying! The way to accomplish this is to clear the "wedge" of stored negative North Carolina Lemon Laws history that is separating your Life Energy from your Physical Body.

Nick Arrizza MD, a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is an International Life, Executive, Organizational Tele-Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator who lives in Toronto, Canada. He is also on Faculty at Akamai University in Hawaii. He is the CEO and Founder of Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc. and the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process (MRP).

To learn more about how to achieve Enlightenment checkout my web site or email me at mailto:drnick@telecoaching4udrnick@telecoaching4u


Holiday Photo Cards

The holidays are almost upon us, average car insurance what better way to share our excitement with friends and family than by sending out mortgage refinance best rates photo cards? Instead of sending out the usual Christmas or Hanukkah cards, why not send out holiday photo cards that are unique and special? Since a lot of people simply throw their holiday cards away once the season is over with, then why not send them something that they'll want to keep this year?

Custom holiday photo cards can be made on high quality paper. They can be well designed and then printed out on matte photo paper that will last a lifetime. All you have to do is pick out a few of the best family photos that you can dwi auto insurance and then email them to an online house insurance quotes company. They'll allow you to choose the design if you want, and then they'll touch the photos up for you before printing them out!

The process only takes a few days, and then they'll send your order to you through the mail. If you're unsure as to which photos will turn out the best, then choose a company that will allow you to send in more than one. They're professionals and they'll help you with your decisions.

Many companies have many designs that you can choose from. You should choose a design that reflects your family. You can choose the colors and the theme. Allow your children to help you to decide if they want, as it will be a way to allow them the chance to be creative. Make sure to let your friends and family know that your children helped you pick out the holiday photo cards. They'll especially want to keep them if they know that the children were involved with making them.

A good company will also work with you in deciding the words that should be printed out in the cards, the font style, font color, and more. Needless to say, you will have a lot to choose from when making holiday photo cards.

Written by Darla Goberstein. Interested in reading more? At my website I host articles about lemontreepaperieindex.php?cPath=21Holiday photo cards and even info on lemontreepaperieindex.php?cPath=21Photo cards.

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