Monday, March 23, 2009 

Frequently Asked Dog Behavior Questions

1. Why do dogs eat their poop?

One reason dogs eat their poop is because it just plain tastes good. Another reason is it could be a vitamin deficiency. Gross Out Gang other reason for EC Comics poop eating is that it is an instinctual behavior in the wild to eat the poop to keep other predators from tracking their movements. Some solutions for stopping poop eating are: You can put meat tenderizer on their food All-Star Comics it is supposed to make the poop taste bad once it goes through the body. Check to make sure your dog food is nutritous enough and they are getting everything they need in their diet. The best and most effective way is to clean up after your dog immediately.

2. How do I get my dogs to stop barking?

Dogs bark as a form of communication. Dogs will also bark out of boredom. Dogs that are not with their pack [you are their pack] will bark to get the packs attention to let them know they are lonely. Dogs will bark to alert that there is a person walking by or another dog in their territory it is a natural form of communication. If you remove the stimulant then there is no need to bark at it. The best way to stop nuisance barking is to exercise/socialize your dog. If the dog is with their pack then they is no need to get the packs attention. Dogs also
bark when they are excited it is their natural way of communication.

3. How do I get my dog to stop chewing up the furniture?

If you have a puppy it is probably teething and in some pain. The chewing is satiating to them and can possibly be soothing their gums. You can give them a cold carrot to chew on, make sure you give it to them outside it can get quite messy. You can also freeze chicken broth in ice cube trays for them to have to help relieve some of the discomfort.

You can also use Bitter Apple spray to detour them from chewing. Mature dogs usually chew out of boredom and Hot Wheels Sizzlers Exercise is the best way to release the stress. You can turn there attention on to something else that is more exciting then your dinning room table leg.

4. How do I get my dog to stop nipping and play-biting?

One way is to yelp very loud and startle the puppy. If the puppy was playing with another puppy and it bite to hard then the puppy would yelp to let them know it hurt. If the play stops as a result of biting too hard then the puppy will learn from being shunned away that biting stops the play time. Another solution for play biting is to have a toy and redirect the attention on to something else. You can also change the dogs environment take them outside for a walk is very helpful.

5. How do I stop my dog from potting in the house?

Once a dog start using the bathroom in the house the only method that works is PREVENTION. Every time your dog uses the bathroom in the house it takes 10 consecutively times using the bathroom outside that teaches it outside is where to go potty. So if you get to 9 times outside and then they have a mistake inside you have to start all over again. You must look at your dog/puppy as a 9 month old crawling baby with out a diaper on. Surely you would not let a 9 month old baby loose in your house with out a diaper on.

Susie Aga, Atlanta Dog Trainer
Susie is a Certified Canine Behavior & Training Specialist and a member in good standing with the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. She has four rescue dogs and donates much of her time and services to Rescue Organizations and hosts The Animal Hour Radio Show which can be heard through her site.


Feed Your Child's Imagination With an Awe Inspiring Wooden Toy!

Most children possess an extraordinary imagination. From an early age they can be seen 1957 Topps baseball cards engage with the world around them, using a sense of creative flair that makes even the most inventive adult envious: this Batman movie the gift of the child who has time to play.

Although children view toys as props to include in their worlds of make-believe, they in fact play an important role in their development. Indeed, not only no win no fee accident they fundamental in helping children gain social skills, but they also act to enhance a child's ability to partake in adult life.

The origin of toys dates back to prehistoric times, with early examples having been excavated from the sites of ancient civilisations. Due to the limited resources these societies had, the toys were mainly made out of such materials as wood, rocks and clay, with the parents of the children often creating them.

The advent of mass production and the advancement of technology however, has seen the simple toy evolve into a multi-billion pound industry. Not only that, but the materials used to make them have also radically changed, with many now being manufactured in plastic. On top of this, there are an increasing number of toys which employ sophisticated electronic systems, for example, remote controlled cars Dark Shadows fans talking dolls.

While there is a lot to be said for the modern versions, there are also many arguments as to the merit of more basic toys, like those made of wood. In fact, considering the advancement of the toy industry over the years, as well as the development in man-made materials, it is testimony to the quality of timber, that there are still wooden toys made.

And, according to experts, it is the fact that wooden toys are so simplistic, which gives them such a great educational, and creative, value. Indeed, because they have fewer distractions than many of the high-tech toys, which often perform a pre-determined song or game, they encourage children to use their imagination far more.

Additionally, due to the resilient nature of timber, wooden toys are generally a lot more durable and child-proof than their plastic counterparts, often lasting many years. They are also relatively risk free, since they tend not to come with small or loose parts and don't usually have electronic functions or batteries for small children to interfere with.

Wooden toys are a great present for any child, as well as being an excellent way to feed their imaginations. They may not possess the hi-tech features present in so many of the modern toys, but they will certainly engage your child, thus allowing them to develop their creative side!

Isla Campbell writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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