Tuesday, January 6, 2009 

Online Dating Pitfalls

Online dating tips and how-to's are found almost in every site that you can find on the internet. They are also the easiest to give. However, it is still surprising that even with the availability of such information, most people still fail to live up to the basic rules of ortho birth control dating: to enjoy and to be safe.

It is easy to enjoy participating in the online dating scene. However, it is quite harder for some to stay safe. To guide you to safety in online dating, here are some of the possible online dating pitfalls and the solutions to preventing them from happening.


Before signing up for any online dating site, consider the website's terms first. Thoroughly read the website's privacy policy to protect your identity and safeguard your privacy.

It must include an agreement to never release, disclose or sell your personal information to other members or to a third party. Also, if you are to sign up for an online dating account, it would be safer to keep some personal data (as in family name, address and office and phone numbers) private. Setup a separate email account for your online dating contacts. This way, if you are contacted by a potential stalker, you will not compromise your personal or business email accounts.

Avoid revealing personal details, especially the detail on where exactly you live or work. Don't make it easy for potential stalkers to track you down. If you are compelled to meet someone from the online dating scene, choose somewhere public as your meeting place, giving you an open way out when you need it.

Photo Embarrassment

Remember that anything you post in the internet becomes much like a public property and will creep to the public's knowledge. So it will be wise to prevent posting your racy pictures. An image of you in a compromising position (in the nude, in a skimpy outfit or engaging in a sexual activity) may put you in a great deal of humiliation. Once a picture is posted, it is very easy for people to have it copied and lifted to be used for purposes that you did not intend.

Credit Card Scams

For your personal as well as financial safety, it is wise to keep your credit card numbers to yourself. Be sure to read the payment terms, regarding credit card details as well as to any other payment information that is requested from you in your membership contract.

Be cautious in giving out the information that you give online, even in your seemingly harmless membership form. There were noted cases where already canceled memberships were renewed without the consent of the owner. So if you are to cancel your membership to an online dating site, make sure that you have your membership cancellation confirmed.

Online dating has become so successful, predators and criminal acts are inevitably tapping the scene for some potential victims. Many people have found successful relationships thru online dating. On the other hand, many scammers have also found success preying on the lonely people in the online dating scene. Thankfully, many of the online dating websites have catered to their members' concern for security and safety, making use of terms, dating systems and software that prevents spyware from stealing any information, safeguarding every member's privacy.

So, if you are going to try out the online dating scene, keep these solutions to some common pitfalls in mind.

The best place for online dating is at RedneckandSingle.com. There are tons of www.redneckandsingle.comsingle down to earth folks waiting there to meet you. Head over to www.redneckandsingle.comhttp://www.redneckandsingle.com today.


Baseball Drills for Youth Teams

Baseball is a game of skill and power that is unlike any other game today. Baseball has subtly to it that is often lost in other team sports such as basketball and football. So when people come together to play this game they need to cheap car insurance quote ready for any eventuality no matter how unlikely it maybe. That is why baseball drills are so important. Practicing these different scenarios keeps players from being unprepared for what may happen during a game which is very important. Here are a few drills that teach players both the fundamentals and some of the more important drills that can help teams with their weaknesses.

A good drill for all around practice is ironically called the All Around drill. This is an excellent baseball drill to teach kids to stop the ball and how to throw in and out of field. It starts with lining up players in groups of three to four at first base, right field, and third base. Each group has a different job, the first base players try to run from first base to third without being tagged and then must slide into third base. As the player runs a coach throws a ball to the right field players. This gives them an opportunity to practice stopping the ball. Then the right fielder throws the ball low to the third base players. The third base players then need to and tag the player that ran. Its a slightly complicated drill but a good one for those that want to make sure that players are familiar with the basics of field play.

Another good drill is called The Fence drill. This is another excellent baseball hitting drill. This drill calls for a player to be standing behind some sort of solid wall; it can be made of chain link, cement, or even brink. The important thing is that the player can tell the difference between when they have touched the wall and when they have not. Have the player make their normal stance and stand about a 1-1 feet in front of the wall. Then have the player practice their hitting style, if they continually hit the wall that means that they must tighten their stance. This will in turn help them with a quicker bat swing. Just remind your players that this drill is not about power but precision that way they wont hurt themselves or the bat when they swing to far back and hit the wall.

Finally, a good creative drill to keep players practicing at home has many names but one can either be called rooftop ball or error depending on what players have heard it called. This is a simple drill that does a good job of practicing both fielding, throwing, and stopping the ball. At home, a player throws a ball down their slanted roof and tries to catch it after it rolls down. There is more than a slight chance of a gutter ball but it still does a great job of helping players at home practice in a creative way.

These different baseball drills will help players become much better rounded and in turn that will lead to better games. Baseball is a subtle art but much like an artist if a player has experience behind them it is more likely that they will be successful.

Kenny Buford is a baseball coach with over 20 years of experience. You can find more of his hubpages.com/hub/baseball-drillsbaseball drills on his blog:


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