Friday, April 24, 2009 

Natural Choices For Pet Urinary Problems

Pet urinary problems for dogs can involve the use of drugs such as Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) or (Proin) which are used for urinary pet problems like incontinence. This drug has numerous side effects including increased heart rate, seizures, or difficulty urinating.

DES (diethylstilbestrol) is a synthetic form of estrogen used for spayed females with pet urinary problems. This drug can affect the bone marrow which can cause anemia that does not go away when the drug is no longer given.

Sometimes PPA together with DES is used Limited Collectors Edition control difficult cases of urinary pet problems. Imipramine or Tofranil is an antidepressant used in dogs where no other treatments work. This drug causes urine retention and is combined with PPA.

Pet urinary problems in cats could be the result of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Symptoms include fever, pain, little or no urine. Bacteria is usually the problem, especially if your pet roams outside where they can eat from garbage cans, eat wild mice or even a Gormiti litter box can cause fecal matter to get into the urethra. The urinary problem could be from other conditions like bladder stones or cancer.

Pet urinary problems can be avoided a great deal of the time for both cats and dogs if you supply plenty of water and opportunities for them to void the bladder. Keeping cat litter boxes clean and picking up your dogs yard waste often.

Do not substitute any information for the knowledge and qualified judgment of your pet's veterinarian. Many vets are providing safe natural products to supplement your pet's diet so they can experience 1953 Bowman black and white health year after year. If your dog or cat develops pet urinary problems, consider taking the natural approach to treatment. Even humans using products made from herbs and other plant based ingredients have Dell comics from better health. rel="nofollow" href="">Natural products can work to improve the symptoms of urinary pet problems without using chemicals that have so many side effects. These products can provide a safe, gentle answer for healing your pet.

Rebecca Shelly has been studying Doom Patrol health conditions for pets for many years. She is a regular contributor to href="">Pet Natural Cures a site discussing some of the most promising natural treatments for pet health on the market today. If you're looking for an alternative to harsh medications for your pet, visit the site to learn more.


How to Win the Lotto - Discover the Secrets to Winning Inside

Do you buy Bandai Godzilla tickets and hope fervently Charlie's Angels win millions of dollars? Do you sit around waiting for the winning lotto numbers to be announced and pray to all the saints you know that your numbers come out? Do you dream about becoming the next lotto winner every single day and night? Then, my friend, you have come to the right page. If you want to know how to win the lotto - discover the secrets to winning inside. Just read on and be prepared to learn things you never knew were possible.

You'll often read or hear pieces of advice from all kinds of sources, both online and offline, on how to win the lotto. But most of the sources you can come across with these days don't really have anything helpful to Mighty Men and Monster Maker If anything, they are mere selling lottery-related products such as software packages or guides. car for donation article, on the other hand, is different. Here you'll learn only the real deal to make you learn how to become the next lotto winner.

Some websites that offer information on how to win the lotto promote the power of the subconscious. The most common example of this is the supposed role of dreams in the making of lotto winners. That is why many people wait for dreams of winning numbers to come before deciding to take the 1969 70 Topps basketball cards and actually participate in the lotto. This is clearly ridiculous. For one, if you keep waiting for dreams of winning numbers to come, without any assurance that such dreams will come at all, then you could end up waiting for a very long time. You could lose precious time otherwise spent on finding the winning lotto numbers.

Instead of waiting for such dreams to come, you should employ the help of a proven system. One of your best options is on how to win the lotto is to go with a lotto game selection. A game selection program simply allows you to play the lottery using the lowest odds. This means that the game you should play is one that has the smallest number field. Most states that offer the lottery have two kinds of lotto games; the first one carries high lotto jackpots and incredibly hard-to-beat odds, while the second one carries a smaller jackpot - which translates into a smaller number field and odds that are relatively easier to beat. Naturally, if you have fewer lottery numbers to choose from, you'll have a higher chance to win lotto prizes, perhaps even the jackpot.

As far as how to win the lotto is concerned, reducing the odds is one of the best systems you can use - and lotto game selection is one of the most recommended ways to go about this. Powerball, EuroMillions, and Mega Millions are lotto games that have the highest odds against succeeding or winning. On the other hand, the Pick-Five or Pick-5 is easier to win since only five numbers are marked on a game panel, instead of the standard six. Most states offer the Pick-5, as well as the Pick-4 to provide eager lotto players like you a chance to really win big. With a proven system, you can win consistently in your state's lottery games.

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Coach - How to Get More Referrals

Getting Referrals from Your Current Clients

The easiest way to get referrals is from your existing clients. Here are some suggestions:

When they hire you, let them know that your business is based on referrals and that you must do a good job to get those referrals. When you quote your price, clearly state that your fee is $X and two referrals. In other words, the two referrals are considered a part of your fee. By making it clear that it's a part of the fee, and that you MUST deliver to their expectations to get those referrals and now you are asking them to start thinking about who they'd refer to you. Tell them that you'll be asking "how am I doing" in 2-3 weeks and, if they are happy, you'll be asking, "So who do you know that would like to have results like this.

I include two referrals as a part of my fee, and after getting those two; I'll make sure to let them know that from this point forward I'll give them a 10% referral fee for any more that I get.

If you get a minimum of two referrals from every client, and if you sell 50% of those you meet with (you should have a higher sales success ratio from a warm referral than from your other sales avenues), then you will always have clients waiting in line.

Getting Referrals from Prospective Clients

I've had clients that are serious about hiring me, but are struggling to come up with the fee. Usually, we've had an initial meeting or two and they have already had some break through. So, it's pretty easy to say, "Do you know anyone else who'd like to have the kind of results you've seen so far? I pay a 10% referral fee. If you'd really like to hire me, but are struggling with the fee, I'll give you 10% of every referral that you give that buys. You could get a significantly reduced fee . . . or just might end up getting it for free.
I just made an offer to a client that had started working with a competitor on a training program and that competitor dropped the ball. Therefore I got referrals to 20 people at one time for a training program. My client attended for free plus got paid 100%. And I got 19 paid clients.

How to Ask for Referrals

From Existing Clients - the next best time to ask (the first best was above) is when you ask your client how well he's progressing. Be sure to have your client always tell you how far he's come, how much more money he's made, how much time he's saved, etc, and that's the time to say, "That's great. Do you know anyone who'd like to have that kind of result as well?"
Another great time to ask for a referral from a client is a month or two after you've finished working with them. Call them back to "check on how well they've progressed since 1963 Topps baseball cards finished working together." Be sure to ask for the measurable progress, which should be tremendous, and then simply ask that question, "Do you know anyone who'd like to have that kind of result as well?" By the way, this is also the ideal time to ask if they'd like to get some more of that kind of result too. Get them to hire you back.

From Unhappy Clients, or clients that decline to re-hire you-- ????? Yes, I said unhappy clients. I know that, even if you are a terrific coach, that you Fleer Ted Williams have a client that less than satisfied. It happens to the best of us, not because of what we did, but because the client just wouldn't follow through, or due to some slip up. As you ask him, "how's it going" and he tells you, you'll have the opportunity to correct the problem. When you do correct the problem, frequently the unhappy customers become some of the greatest promoters of your services. Now ask them the same questions you asked above.

From Vendors -If they are doing business with you, it's likely they are doing business with your ideal customer. Also, make sure that if that vendor has done well by you, that you'll give him some referrals. You are more likely to get a referral after you've given a referral.

From Strategic Partners - Always be on the lookout for a strategic partner. They are the companies that are likely doing business with your target customers.

Set up a partnership where something you do can be shared with them. A good way of doing this is doing joint seminars. I frequently approach a bank, or a Tarzan action figure developer, to do a seminar in their facility.

For the bank, I'll market to their community to bring business owners in to the bank for a seminar. They'll market to another segment of their community and to their existing clients. The seminar establishes the bank as a center for growing businesses. And they also bring in their own clients, and they lend their name to my marketing. We help each other in shared marketing, in a sense, the bank is Transformers me to their clients and I'm sharing my clients with the bank for the use of the bank facility and the use of their name in my marketing. That erectile dysfunction treatments just about doubles my marketing response. (You can do the same thing with a chamber.).

I also partner with web developers. Those businesses looking for a web developer are looking for ways to grow their business and that's what I do. Again, we share our marketing and do seminars on business building, and I'll tailor the business building a little more toward internet marketing. More often than not, it goes way beyond the sharing of marketing, as I'll probably get referrals to most of the banks customers and most of the web developer's customers. Works great!

Be Specific When Asking for a Referral

Asking, "Who do you know that . . . " may not get as much of a response as being much more specific. A great way of asking is to name your narrow target niche and then telling them what kind of struggle your target market is struggling with. Or, even, at times name a company or specific person. It may seem somewhat counterintuitive, but the more you narrow down on a specific name, or type of company with a specific struggle, the more likely the person who you are asking for a referral from will come up with that specific person, or it'll trigger a though about someone like that person.

Networking Power Teams

This is a group of people from your networking that either are your target market, or are doing business in your target market, but they aren't your competition.

Ask this group of people how you can help them get lots more referrals, and then suggest that you get together once or twice a month to discuss how you can refer to each other. Put your heads together and develop ways to get those referrals, be creative and always support them. When this team starts working you are likely to get 50% or more of all of your referrals from this group.

How to Get Even More Referrals

Have a monthly and weekly goal for the referrals you will be getting. Make sure that you actually get that targeted number of referrals each and every month, and that you are reviewing what's working, what's not, and what percentage of the time you do get referrals versus how many requests you have made.

Then review while asking yourself,

  • How to get more referrals next month
  • Who gives the most referrals, or what kind of company gives the most referrals
  • What message got you the most referrals
  • What you could do to get larger referrals
  • Who you could talk to that would give you larger referrals.

Almost every time I go through the review process with a client we see another sudden leap, many times by several times.

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Global Warming How Much a Ton of Carbon Dioxide will Cost?

One of 1958 Topps baseball cards most discussed methods to counter global warming is carbon capping and charging carbon dioxide emitters a fee to invest in carbon-absorbing technologies. Planting more trees with 1960 Topps baseball cards monies collected is a frequently mentioned solution, the efficacy of which still remains to be proven.

But how much such an approach would cost per ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission? What would be its impact on the global economy? The numbers are slowly emerging.

A United Nations report released in May 2007 suggests that the global effort to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses like carbon diode could cost the world economy 3% of of its total output Skipper doll 2030. That is, by 2030 the world economic output could be 3% lower than what it would otherwise have been due to the cost of the programs to fight carbon pollution.

According to the numbers of the World Resources Institute, an environmental think tank in Washington DC, to bring the carbon levels down to those suggested by the UN report would cost $20 to $100 per ton of carbon dioxide.

McKinsey & Co., an energy consulting firm, estimates that it would cost $40 per ton of CO2 to reach the 2030 greenhouse gas levels recommended by the UN study.

In Europe, where carbon trading has become a brisk new derivatives trading specialty, the price of a ton of CO2 is going for $25, as of May 2007. That's how much it would cost you today to have the right to release a ton of CO2 next year.

Duke Energy Corp. of Charlotte, North Carolina is using the figure of $7.50 to $30 per ton of CO2 in its future investment plans.

Another learned estimation is provided by Prof. Robert Socolow of Princeton University who is quoted by the Wall Street Journal as having said that a carbon cap that would result in a $30 fee per ton of CO2 emitted would also cost the U.S. consumers an additional 30 cents a gallon at the gas pump.

So estimates still range anywhere between $20 and $100 per ton of CO2 released, leaving plenty room for policy makers and economists to come Captain Maxx with ever-changing alternate plans while providing plenty reasons for the perplexed consumers to scratch their heads.

The way it looks right now, not only the science and donate a car but the economics of global warming also looks equally complex.


Ugur Akinci, Ph.D. is a senior writer and web content consultant with 20 years of experience.

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