Robosapien Tribot - A Gift Idea
Ever since the Robosapiens came out on the market my daughter Addie has wanted one. She was constatnly begging me to get her a Robosapien Tribot. After listening to all of her pleas Webkinz month's on end finally we gave in to the begging We bought her a Robosapien Tribot for our 4 year old princess on her birthday two months ago, she's had such a blast playing with the Tribot I wanted to share with everyone just how cool the Tribot actually is.
This toy is wonderful, my daughter had been asking for it since the day they hit the shelves Finally we gave in and got her the tribot for her birthday. It's huge its fun. She ABSOLUTELY loves it. Just make sure you get extra batteries because you will be putting them in. We wound up putting 8 batteries in him the first day. I highly recommend anyone buying this toy buy rechargeable and take the time to recharge him at night.
The Robosapien Tribot doesn't look as human as other Robosapiens , but it moves better, quicker, and more efficiently. Manglors three-wheel configuration allows for greater mobility. The most recent innovation is the tilt-sensitive remote control combined with a very intuitive remote which makes it so much easier to operate than the original Robosapien.
We decided to order the tribot online and the only real disappointment that I can think of is that when we received the tribot the word TRIBOT was printed on the side of the box, so if you were wanting an element of surprise or trying to keep it a secret from a young one, if they can read you'll have to hope your child is not home when it's delivered.
Another great feature of the tribot is if your tribot should get lost, there's a locator on the remote. That's a great idea especially for those children who leave the house with their favorite toy. And they will be leaving the house with the tribot because the tribot is definitely going to be one of the favorites this holiday season.
We like sharing our experiences with our daughter with the world. The toys we see or use in our home with our daughter we recommend our opinions on the products we really like and have shared with our daughter.