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Thursday, November 13, 2008 

It's Not Me, It's You! The Classic Break Up Line

Of course the classic break up line is "it's not you...it's me!" What does that really mean? Who is it, me or you? The statement is directing us to place blame on someone in the relationship. Although the meaning of the phrase seems clear the statement may not always mean what it sounds like it's saying. Let's explore this further.

You may have used that line before when breaking up with someone. You may have had that line used on you. If so, what did you really mean when you said it? What were you feeling? If it was used on you did you believe it? Did the other half of the relationship really have the problem?

There may be cases where someone really believes that it's them and not the other person. But this line is basically a way for someone to make an attempt to let the other person down gently. They Kentucky motorcycle accident attorneys trying anything they can do to spare the other person's feelings and place as much blame on ending the relationship as they can on themselves. In this way the person being dumped may not feel as bad because, after all, it wasn't them, it was the other person.

When someone uses that line to end a relationship they are basically saying "I gieco auto insurance out but I don't want to hurt you anymore than is necessary. I'll take the blame so you won't feel bad. I'll be the heavy. Bottom line is I just don't want to be with you anymore and I'll make up a bunch of excuses to justify why it is me and not you (but really it is you).

Let's face it, sometimes car accident attorneys Michigan are just incompatible. The spark isn't there. There's no connection that will lead to a long lasting romance. This becomes a real problem when one person feels it and the other one doesn't. There is no common ground to build the relationship on and eventually one half of the relationship will want out. If they are trying to spare your feelings they start with the classics...it's not you...it's me.

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Peter Harris is a health care professional and author and writes frequently about relationships.

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