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Tuesday, April 14, 2009 

Frequently Asked Questions About Call Answering Services

Whilst many small businesses have heard about call answering services, virtual offices and virtual PAs, some still struggle to understand how they actually work. How are they able to 'take' my calls? How do they know who is calling for each company? How do they get the messages over to me? What follows is a Gormiti asked questions guide that Mystery Date hopefully cover most aspects of this telecoms service.

Does a prospective user of a call answering service need any special equipment or software?

Normally no additional equipment or software is required. It's not the Viagra Information that call answering American Girls collection 'take' the calls from clients but rather that they are 'given' to them as calls are diverted by the client. Most telecoms providers have a simple system (usually a code that you enter into the handset) that allows incoming calls to be diverted, a lot of the time this is already set-up and can be used instantly.

If I divert my calls then where will they be answered?

The calls will be answering usually wherever the call answering service or virtual office is physically located. Many small businesses may feel that because of their client base they may need to employ a service locally or at least one where the accents are going to sound local. Some providers will outsource calls to overseas facilities which would definitely give a negative impression to clients that conduct their business locally. Service providers should always be asked whether or not calls will be answered in-house or not?

How will they know that the call is for my company and answer it correctly?

The majority of rel="nofollow" href="callanswering.org.uk/faqs.php">call answering services operate by giving each client their own unique telephone number that they can divert to or give out to callers direct. Provided the client has diverted to this unique number, then all calls for them can be identified by the operator answering the call. An added benefit of giving each client their own number is that they can divert multiple phone numbers to the call answering service be it their direct line, mobile number, office number or all at the same time- the calls will all be coming into the same number and therefore answered in the correct company name.

What if I have VIP clients that I always need to speak to?

A lot of small businesses actually employ call answering services to work as their full time receptionist so that the operator uses your directions on how calls are to be responded to. If you have a list of VIP callers then the operator can transfer these through to you as if he/she was sat at the front desk (provided you have a direct line or mobile that is not being diverted back the service). Other inquiries can be sent to you at close of call via email, txt message or sometimes fax.

As more and more small businesses look to reduce costs, to many the idea of outsourcing their calls is an attractive one. For many it can mean there is no need to employ a full time member of staff to act as a receptionist, some even go as far as giving up their office space and working from home!

Nicky Walker has over 10 years experience in href="callanswering.org.uk">call answering services. He has worked within the largest companies in the UK and now devotes his time to helping new and start up businesses.

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