How Much Should You Spend on a Web Site?
Web design isn't a cheap proposition. Although it's certainly possible to find someone to design your entire site for around $150, the old adage in this case holds true--you get what you pay for--and you're unlikely to get a high level of commitment or talent for those rates. Alternatively, it's certainly possible to find someone to design your entire site for around $3,000--but again, although you're nearly assured a high quality site, it's difficult for many start-up businesses--or even established businesses--to drop that kind of money on a single project.
Expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $2,000 for a good direct response site--the more features you want on your site, the higher the price. If you want a good commerce system programmed to order, expect to pay at least $2,000 or contraceptive patch strong argument for using a proprietary system. This may seem high, but consider what you're getting for the money. Web designers with enough experience to be valuable to you make their entire living from their designs, as a rule. If you underpay them, then they're forced to take on other work in order to make a basic living--which means time taken away from your site and a lack of willingness to work with you in the future. This undermines many of the basic objectives of your business, and can easily lead to your spending much more money down the line to fix any problems that are created by underpaying your programmers. So do it right the first time and pay for the level of quality you want to get (within reason, of course, and within your budget.)
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Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.