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Sunday, December 28, 2008 

Online Video Marketing - Make Your Videos Clickable

You now have the power to make any online video you produce full of clickable links. I'm not talking about placing links next to your video, I'm talking about making the video itself clickable.

This is incredible!

Let's say you are selling golf clubs. Your website viewers can now click on your video where you show the golf clubs and be whisked to a page where they can buy the golf clubs.

Or, let's say you are a musician. Video viewers can click on your guitar and be taken to a page that sells guitars. Or, you can add a link onto your video that takes viewers to a page where they can buy your CD or tickets to your upcoming concert.

With this technology, you can take video viewers anywhere on the web. To your My Space profile or your blog. Anywhere.

This is the future of online video marketing. Someday soon, this technology will be as commonplace as silly cat videos on You Tube. Right now, it is just emerging as the latest and greatest thing in the world on online video marketing.

One of the leading providers of this technology is Veeple dot com. car insurannce are about two dozen players here, but Veeple seems to be emerging as the leader.

You Tube just recently added features similar to what you find on Veeple, but You Tube is not nearly as complete in their offerings.

On a technical level, this process works by placing an interactive flash overlay on top of your video. The link is contained within the Flash overlay. You can make the Flash overlay contain words or pictures. You can even make it invisible if you want.

I spent several hours the other day on Veeple playing with their editing tool. I found it to be extremely easy and versatile.

Here is the process in a nutshell. I created an account. It was free. I then uploaded a completed video to Veeple. Using their editing tool which is simple in design, I was able to place several overlays, move them around, change their appearance, and save the new version of the video.

Veeple generates embed code which allows you to put the video on any web page you want. Hosting your video is part of the package, although veeple is not an internet video sharing site. There is no veeple website where people can see your video, you have to embed it somewhere else.

Veeple is something you can try for free. If you stick with the basic service and your video gets less than 5,000 views, veeple continues to be free. Above that and you pay $49 and up.

So not only is the technology amazing, it is surprisingly affordable.

Expect this technology to grow and expand. I will continue to explore and write about this as I am truly gaa-gaa over it. Stuff like this makes me feel like I woke up in an episode of the Jetsons!

Lorraine Grula has been a well-respected award winning video professional for over twenty-five years. (Yeah, that makes her kind of old.) Lorraine has done virtually every kind of video production imaginable and now shares her expertise on the web. Her blog, www.VideoProductionTips.comhttp://www.VideoProductionTips.com is full of free information and video tutorials.

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