Surviving Terrorism - Protecting Your Family
Terrorism is on the rise. A Thebusstops years ago I wouldn't even be able to tell you what the word meant to me. But today with so much violence in the world the word Terrorism can't be avoided. The real question is, If it happens to you how do you survive it?
There are many forms of terrorism but the most common these days are bombings, kidnappings or hostage situations, attacks that involve weapons & hijackings. Bombings take the lead as the most common form of a terrorism attack. We, as people, are most scared of terrorism attacks because Dick Dale and the Del-Tones Miserlou don't understand them. There is a high amount of attacks that link directly to psychological war.
A good starting point is to not follow the rules! I know, sounds funny. But question authority. I've lived most of my life this way. Though it gets me in trouble sometimes I'd rather people know I have the ability to question the task or information they are giving me rather than just simply obeying it because what they say is law. Of course I don't mean go out and travel on the wrong side of the road or anything like that but, for example, the people on flight United 93 prevented a crash into a building because they didn't follow rules. They didn't stay in their seats, and they didn't do what the terrorist told them to do. They realized there were more of them than terrorists and they took action. Of course, only question the rules when you feel safe to do so, or when you have a few other people who can back you up if need be.
Knowing that you CAN control your future is a big key in staying alive during a terrorist disaster. If you can make a plan on the quick and stick to it, or have a back up plan if the initial plan fails you will most generally succeed in your mission with a well executed plan. For instance, knowing how to drive a stick shift car, or being able to swim in the event a plane goes down over the ocean are all little things that could amount to your ultimate survival.
As always with any kind of auto insurance rates comparison preparedness is key. Have a kit of essentials with you, water food, first aid, medications etc. In a handy place in the event you need to evacuate your home in an emergency. I'm assuming the biggest fear we Americans could have on terrorism is a Nuclear bomb. I'm also assuming that when you get right down to it we're so scared because no one has told us what to do in the event something like that drops on the USA. "They" are all wrapped up in making us take our shoes off and taking away our shampoos that "they" neglect to give us an real information to survive something like a Nuclear bomb. In all reality most would survive a Nuclear bombing because they would be much smaller than we would anticipate, but that still does not ease the fear.
Have a place to regroup in situations. Get to know your neighbors, practice your emergency exits and stay in good health. These are the best tips to follow to prepare for a disaster. Don't treat terrorism as a cancer, it happens to other people but not you. EXPECT something to happen, be smart, be prepared, be ready to survive.">Terrorism Survival Kits Protect Your Family - Be Ready